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300 dpi or better image on CD - $7.00
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2014Sep28 RMBC AM CAT
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00 Candid
01 Cairn Abbey
02 Westie Yogi
03 Cairn Callie
04 AHT Agie
06 Norfolk Houdini
07 Dach Maximus
08 DogueBordeux Leroux
09 AA Bear
10 BT Skittler
11 Dach Evie
12 Dach Gracchus
13 MiniBull China
14 MiniBull Jimi
15 Dach Jonah
16 Vet Border Collie Piper
17 Vet Samoyed Maggie
18 Vet Samoyed Glory
19 Vet MiniPoodle Toby
20 ACD Ripley
21 Smooth Fox Tr Devin
22Bouvier Nike
23 NSDTR Ruby
24 Samoyed Ruby
25 Field Spaniel Dixon
26 Gordon Setter Tavish
27 Brittany Rowan
28 Cane Corzo Bacchus
30 Cane Corso Nove
31 German Shepherd Lizzie
32 Cane Corso Gusto
32 Xolo Raisen
33 Samoyed Niko
34 Cane Corso Diesel
35 MiniPoodle Robin
36 German Spitz Calcifer
37 Border Tr Spike
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